Do you have a job opening, educational event, product, or service you'd like to advertise? NPANS can connect you with Nova Scotia's nurse practitioners!
Advertising Options
Job Postings Posting will be added to NPANS member's job board for a 3-month duration, and inserted in our monthly member's newsletter.
Calendar of Events Listing Your event will be added to our member event calendar. Includes link to PDF flyer ad (upload file via submission form).
NPANS Newsletter (sent monthly to all NPANS members) General Advertisements
Non-profit rate: Announcements, products, services or events with a paid registration fee Non-profit rate: Events with no registration fee
Advertising requests can be submitted using the form below. Be sure to upload a document containing the information you'd like included. Once submitted your request will be reviewed/approved by our Professional Development committee and distributed upon approval (typically within 4 business days). Be sure to accurately proof all email content as changes cannot be made once distributed. Questions? Contact